Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank You LISA

Here's a shout out to a sweetheart of mine...Lisa thank you.We now have a cute blog again! So tonight we are going out with some friends of ours, the Whitings. We don't normally celebrate Valentine's day because our anniversary is the next week, but we can celebrate Friday the 13th... no chains saws involved. So we are going to Moapa to a cute little diner there. Hope everyone remembers their sweethearts tomorrow.


  1. Cute blog! Hope you had fun tonight! Let me know what you thought of the diner. We haven't been brave enough to try it yet. Eating at restaurants in the valley is definitely an acquired taste!

  2. You're very welcome! Easy fix. So, how is the diner. Any good? I was telling Mike about it. Maybe some day we will go try it out. Anyway, hope you had fun last night. Thank Bella again for us!

