Thursday, February 26, 2009

Charlotte's Web

We have always loved the book Charlotte's Web , as I am sure that all of you do too. The story is so sweet and shows true love and friendship. Last night we were reading it and we got to the part where Charlotte died. It touched me so much that I began to cry (yes, I am truly a mom, I cry at everything). I have read it before, but I guess I just forget that she died all alone. I love that there are so many books that children can read that help them to be better people. Charlotte loved Wilbur and did not care that she gave everything to help him. It was just what friends do. We are grateful for all our friends and all they do to help us. You are all Charlotte to us.


  1. I love all the classic children's books! I just wish I could get my kids to read them. :(They are so much more interested in reading Goosebumps and other books lacking literary value. I think I need to start reading to my kids at night again. Then I can read the books I love to them. I am feeling inspired now. Thanks Andrea!

  2. I'm inspired, too! When I saw the pic of Charlotte's Web, I automatically thought of all the good books I used to read as a kid. Where the Red Fern Grows, Trumpet of the Swan, Summer of the Monkeys, and Stewart Little were some of my favorites. I loved those books. I think I am going to go dig those out and start reading them again, and maybe Joshy will sit still for 5 min for me to read them to him too! Thanks!

  3. Awwww.... You're so sweet sister! You make a great Charlotte too! :)

