Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Bella #13

Isabella Arsenia is now a teenager. And usually this is when people warn us about the teenage years...but here is 13 reason we am glad that she is our teenager:
1. She is very loving and thoughtful
2. She is totally and undeniable BEAUTIFUL!!!
3. She is very smart and wants to excel.
4. She puts up with her siblings and includes them and is the one they run to for love and support.
5. She plays the piano and continues to improve her talents.
6. She is forgiving- which is hard when you feel things as deeply as she does.
7. She doesn't exclude - even if others aren't the most "popular".
8. She is helpful with her younger siblings- even if it kills her.
9. She has a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ.
10.She looks for the good in the world- whether through writing or pictures.
11. She loves to read and there have been times we have had to stop her so she will pay attention!
12. She LOVES chocolate and would probably eat her own fingers if they were covered in it.
13. Her parents are in awe that God would not only trust us, but bless us with this girl.

There is so many more wonderful things to say about her! We love you Bella!


  1. I can hardly believe it! Happy Birthday cute girl!

  2. I can't believe she is a teenager. That is so weird! Miss you guys. P.S I'm following your blog now!

