Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm trying to be like Jesus

So here is the background to this story. We tell the kids all the time that good feelings and actions come from Jesus and bad choices come from Satan. Last night nobody wanted to go to bed and I was frustrated. As I was coming back from Cecilia and Frankie's room ( all the kids' rooms are on the one end of the house) Luke was coming from our room. So I yelled "GET IN BED NOW!" Tears came to his eyes and he says "I was putting away your pillow for you." BAD MOMMY!!! I start apologizing to him and tell him that he was being like Jesus and he replies back, "You weren't being like Jesus, you were being like Satan!" Ok so it's official.. I am the devil. I felt terrible and now Luke can get anything he wants.


  1. Oh!! You are definitely not a "BAD MOMMY". We all have moments like that. You are a great mom!

  2. :( what a sweet boy! I think your a great mom!

  3. I agree! I think you're a great mom, too! Just like Christina said, we all have moments like that.

  4. That was the funniest story I have read today! It made me smile! :D
    Btw: How come Me and Steph aren't on your list thing? LOL! CRY CRY :'(

