Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Frankie's baptism

Frankie and her sisters
Our family with Elder Van Bruggen and Elder Cunha

We had a special day for Frankie the day after Thanksgiving. She was baptized. Usually our church baptize at the age of eight, but for reasons, Frankie chose to wait so that her dad could baptize her. So, she had to be taught by these wonderful missionaries and last Friday she was baptized. Frankie has always been ready. She knows these things are true. She has such a strong spirit and it's not only strong, but unfailing. She just knows things and there are no questions in her mind of the things that are true. We are so proud of her choice and that Louie was able to complete the ordinances. We were worried at first that he wouldn't be able to bring her back up out of the water, so we had back up.(Thanks Elder Cunha!) But he was able to and the day was just perfect.
p.s. We only have the picture of Elder Van Bruggen wearing a pink tie, but Elder Cunha wore a purple one because Frankie asked him to. they are such great guys!


  1. Congratulations Frankie! I'm so glad I could be there! It was a very special day!

  2. Aww so cute this story reminded me of my mission days. Congrats to Frankie and to your husband I sure It meant so much to her to have her dad do that!

