Thursday, January 27, 2011


I guess this should be obvious since Louie is, after all, a meat cutter, but the kids are obsessed with steak. We made out a meal plan and once a week the kids get to choose for their night a meal that they like. ( For those of you that don't know they have one day a week they have as their day and they get to eat off the blue plate. ) Well, every week on of them, if not more wants steak for their dinner. They just love steak. Louie think this is great of course and gets things at work that he knows will be good. I had to tell them that only one person that can choose steak for their dinner per week. ( I have also had to do this for mac and cheese as well, or that would be every night.) So tonight we have steak. Louie loves to season and marinate and we all just sit back, chew and enjoy. I guess I should share a recipe but he just finds different seasonings and herbs that he likes and mixes them together and voila! tender meat! I haven't made up the menu for next week, but it might just have steak on it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy #11 to Cecilia!

Happy Birthday to Cecilia Marianna!She was a born at 10:25 a. She had SOOOO much hair. When I was pregnant with her I always had heartburn! (They say that when that happens your baby will have hair). She was 5 days early and weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz.She came out SCREAMING! She was never happy to tak ea picture, but when she decided something, you better be ready. She didn't crawl until she was 9 months old. I think she didn't see the point, her older sister just got her everything. Fun story about Cecilia. When she was maybe a year, we decided to go somewhere and we took Bella and Cecilia. We gave them each some chocolate milk to drink for the car ride. Cecilia immediately drank hers in record time, threw her cup on the ground of the car, turned to Bella and said(while waving her hand back and forth) "Bella, gimme gimme". The little stinker was demanding Bella give her her milk. So what does Bella do...GIVES IT TO HER!! I told Bella she didn't have to, but Bella knew that Cecilia wanted it and so she made her sister happy.Cecilia a great person. We are so grateful that God gave her to us. She is very loving and thoughtful. She has a very tender heart and is willing to take charge. We love you!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New things for the New year

Great things are going to happen this year! We can feel it. We have some family goals and personal goals that can be done this year. We have a lot of hope and faith that great things will happen! Louie continues to get better, I continue to get better, the kids continue to teach and help us grow. Life is at a bliss state. I say that because I can't hope for more then what has been given. Last year at this time, life was bleak. Now, life feels blessed. We are grateful for that feeling. We hope your new year is great too!
