Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Frankie!!!

Francesca Suzanne is named after my friend Suzie for good reason. Just like Suzie, she energetic and full of the go-get -'em attitude. And today she turns nine! Frankie was born right after the terrorist attacks and so while I was in labor with her, the TV was on and people were watching the happenings of the world! She gave us a few scares before she was born, and prayer was a big part of her delivery. She broke her arm when she was 2. They had to reset her arm and then about 3 days later we went to the first visit, they couldn't see or hardly tell that the break had been that bad. She healed very quickly. She was more scared of the cast coming off then the actual breaking of the arm! She is fan-tas-tic at gymnastics, wonderful at school and is now excited to go to cheer classes every week. She loves to cuddle and give hugs. Funny facts: she is the EASIEST child to get to bed. Never argues and even puts herself to bed, sometime without us even knowing it! Also, when she was little her way of throwing a tantrum was to lay down on the ground stiff as a board and just be. Very dramatic and quiet... and now she nine! Happy Birthday Frankie! We are so blessed to have you be in our family!

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