Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cheer Camp


For two people that were never cheerleaders...we sure did create some! Cecilia, Franki, and Mattea went to cheer camp that the high school cheerleaders host every year.
They had the best time. I have video, but it won't load on the blog, so check out my videos on Facebook.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bella's birthday

obviously the b-day cake
Bella and Jenni
For her birthday dinner she chose chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. This was her pancake I made extra big.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Something for me

After the last blog entry, I decided that I wanted to start a blog that is more for me and to keep this one as a family thing. So for those of you that are interested in my thoughts please check it out. I love to write and I felt that blogging is something else that I love to do, so here we go. This one will definitely keep going, but be more of the family's.
Check out:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Superwomen or supercrazy?

I am going to start this by saying there is NO particular person that I am writing about- it's a over all thing that I am seeing lately.Women- we are way to hard on ourselves. We are always talking about our weight, we never feel like we are enough mother for our kids, we don't feel like a sexy wife, we are just constantly putting ourselves down. And the worst of it is that we are the only one that feels that way about our own self. No body else feels this way about us! I have a a few friends that feel guilty when they spend time on Facebook. They say that there is so many other things that they could be doing with their time. Well then...go and do them I guess...but really there is nothing wrong with enjoying a few minutes ( and I mean 20 or less) looking and enjoying and corresponding on Facebook. It also ok not to have an activity planned out for your kids 24 hours a day! I personally think that is why I have lots o' kids...they can entertain each other. They can find there own things to do. Buy art supplies or workbooks or books and let'em at it! You don't have to be that women that sits there and watches EVERY stinkin' thing they do. Maybe I sound bad?..oh, there I go criticizing myself. All I am saying is that I don't think any less of you, my friends, if you go on Facebook or read a book that isn't kid related or, blog or do anything that it is for yourself. It is ok and those that say it isn't well then they can have their opinions on their own blog....if they blog. I just want my friends out there to know that it is alright to have these things for your self. That we might feel better about ourselves if we took more time for ourselves. That we don't have to be this Superwoman that is baking, while nursing, while driving our kids to school, while looking ultra sexy!...course maybe you can do those things all at once...then BRAVO for you! Just cut yourself some slack. Don't keep comparing you to someone else. We are all different. ((How many times do we give that advice to our kids!) Well, we are! Just because we all got married and became wives and mothers doesn't mean it's still not true! We need to stop being so critical of ourselves...and maybe we will find ourselves again.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cecilia the blogger

A new blog has begun! Cecilia has decided that she has so my opinions and ideas that she needed a blog. So we set it up for her yesterday and she has been a blogging fool ever since. She is so funny and opinionated! When we set it up she said to me" So, I can blog and say things and not get in trouble? Because you get mad at me when I say some things, but if I am blogging then I won't get in trouble right?" I said that mostly she can share her opinions on her blog and not get in trouble. Boy, she really is working the whole free speech thing isn't she! So go and check her out. She loves monkeys and so her address is I am sure that it will be quite entertaining...
